Many people have encountered the situation of being rejected for small quantities when asking about SMT, and most of the reasons given for the rejection are "small quantities are not cost-effective" and " High start-up losses". What are the so-called losses? Before SMT processing, you need to do the same preliminary work as when you receive a large order, such as SMT machine programming, PCB positioning, start the first piece of confirmation of this type. In the case of a small amount, the so-called loss, more is the loss of time. Because in the same time, the production efficiency of SMT with large processing volume is higher, so as not to waste time on the preliminary work after a morning or a day of production. And in the machine in and out of the time, so we prefer to receive the kind of area is not very large, but the patch point is very concentrated, so that both high efficiency, but also greatly save a variety of labor costs, machine losses, etc. To quote ...