Overlooked microarchitectural capabilities Reduced instruction set RISC is a legend in the history of computer chips. Its most proud work is that in 1983, British Acorn Company launched the Acorn RISC Machine (ARM), a new processor architecture research and development project based on the RISC project concept of the University of California, Berkeley, which is the beginning of the ARM architecture that dominates mobile chips today. Berkeley's RISC project grew through four generations in the 1980s and launched its fifth generation, RISC-V, in 2010. RISC-V is an instruction set, not a processor implementation. The instruction set is a standard specification, a convention for everyone. Software and hardware from different manufacturers can work together if they follow the same standard specification, just like the size specifications for screws and nuts. With the instruction set standard specification, the next most important step is chip design. According to the ins...
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