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Showing posts with the label components approval

9 effective ways to improve your electronic components specification for approval

1. Let purchasers find manufacturers to provide specifications, safety information, environmental protection information, insurance information - E-document 2. Verify that the information is true and complete, such as the applicable period of the document, so as not to be fooled by the manufacturer. 3. Let the buyer find the manufacturer to provide samples, specifications, safety information, environmental information, insurance information - Paper files 4. Environmental test: send several samples to the environmental laboratory for ROSH halogen test. 5. Electrical specifications and high-temperature testing - e.g. electrolytic capacitors :  A: measuring capacity and deviation withstand voltage, PIN foot tin is good B: go through the production line to see if the capacitors are deformed after the high temperature of the furnace and if the capacity and the deviation voltage are okay. 6. Body size check - e.g. electrolytic capacitors . Body height and diameter, PIN pin spacing, PIN p...