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What is IC terminology in computer language?

The integrated circuit is a miniature electronic device or component. Using a certain process, a circuit requires transistors, resistors, capacitors and inductors and other components and wiring interconnections together, made in a small piece or several small semiconductor wafers or dielectric substrate, and then encapsulated in a casing to become a miniature structure with the required circuit function; which all the components in the structure of the structure has been made up of an integral whole, so that the electronic components to the micro-miniaturization, low-power, intelligent and high reliability, it is a big step forward in the circuit with the letter "IC". High reliability has taken a big step forward, it is expressed in the circuit with the letter "IC".

IC engineers in their daily study and work will more or less encounter some professional IC vocabulary. In this issue, in alphabetical order, see what are the common IC vocabulary in English abbreviations!

APCVD: Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition

ADC: Analog to Digital Convert

ASICApplication-Specific Integrated Circuit

ASSP: Application-specific standard product

APB: Advanced Peripheral Bus

AHB: Advanced High-Performance Bus

AXIAdvanced Xtensible Interface

APR: Auto place and route

ATPG: Auto Test Pattern Generator

ALU: arithmetic and logic unit

BGA: Ball Grid Array

Semiconductor: It refers to the conductivity at room temperature between the conductor and insulator materials, common semiconductor materials involved in silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, silicon carbide, gallium nitride and so on. Semiconductor products are mainly divided into integrated circuits, discrete devices, optoelectronic devices and sensors four categories

BE: Back End usually refers to the back-channel layout phase of IC design, and is not a paradigm usage.

BIST: Build in System Test, generates test code inside the chip, analyzes the results of the test, a common process in DFT

BLE: Blue Low Energy

BSD: Blind-Spot Detection

BPSG: Borophospho silicate glass


Test: After IC packaging, it is necessary to measure the functional and electrical parameters of the IC to screen out unqualified products, and to find out the quality defects in the process of chip design, manufacturing and packaging through the test results.

CAD: Computer-Aided Design

CAN: Controller Area NetworkISO internationally standardized serial communication protocols

CDC: clock domain crossing Asynchronous clock timing check, an important step in digital design

COVERAGE: Coverage, a term commonly used in digital verification, mainly code coverage and functional coverage, etc.6

CTSClock tree synthesis

CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device

CMOSA technology used to manufacture chips for large-scale integrated circuits or chips made with this technology.

CM3:ARM Cortex M senor CPU

Chiplet: Core, a pre-fabricated wafer with a specific function that can be combined and integrated

CP: Circuit ProbingChip Probing

CIM: Computer Integrated  Manufacturing

CMOS: complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor

CMP: Chemical Mechanical Polishing

CRT: cathode ray tube

CVD: Chemical Vapor Deposition

DAC: Digital to Analog Convert

DC: design compiler Synopsys

D code: Data code

DV: Design Verification

Delay refers to the delay of components and can also be used to refer to the delay of the project schedule

DFT: Design for Test A design methodology used to enhance chip testability, an important step in the digital IC process

DMA: Direct Memory Access

DRAM: Dynamic Random Access Memory

DRC: Design Rule CheckIt is to check whether the layout of the IC Design conforms to the design rules after the IC Design has been laid out.

DSP: Digital Signal Processing

DUT: Design under test

DUV: design under verification

DIP Dual Inline Packages


ECO: Engineering Change Order Later in the project, changes to the chip design can only be made at the gate level

EDAElectronic Design Automation):It refers to the use of computer software to complete the design of large-scale integrated circuits, simulation, verification and other processes of the design approach, the integration of graphics, computational mathematics, microelectronics, topological logic, materials science and artificial intelligence and other technologies

EEPROM: Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory

ERC: Electronic Rule Check ,It is to check the electrical compliance of the layout after the IC Design has been laid out.

FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array

FE: Front End usually refers to the front-end logic design phase of IC design, and is not a standardized usage.

FM: Formal Formal verification, netlist and verilog for comparison.

Fabless: Chip design company, also known as DesignHouse, fabless IC enterprise business model, the use of this model of manufacturers only chip design, R & D, applications and sales, and will be outsourced to the wafer manufacturing, packaging and testing of professional wafer manufacturing, packaging and testing vendors

Foundry: Chip foundry, refers to the foundry business of the chip manufacturing and processing plant, responsible for the design of the completed chip produced

FSDB: commonly used waveform file format, open with Verdi

FLASH: Flash EEPROM Memory

FULL CHIPfullchip level,Commonly used in digital front-end design and verification, referring to system-level and chip-level

FT: Final Test

FC: Flip Chip

GPU: Graphics Processing Unit

GPIO: General Purpose Input Output

GLSgate-level simulation

GAA: Gate-All-Around FET

HDMI: High Definition Multimedia Interface

HDL: Hardware Description Language

HVL: Hardware Verification Language

IC: Integrated Circuit

l code: Instruction code

IP: Intellectual Property

IT: Information Technology
Layout: Layout, the final generated layout of the chip, similar to the design drawings in the construction industry

LPS: low power simulation

LVDS: Low Voltage Differential SignalingA low-swing differential signaling technology that enables signals to be transmitted at hundreds of Mps over differential PCB pairs or balanced cables, with low-amplitude and low-current drive outputs for low noise and power consumption.

LVS: Layout versus Schematic

LUT: Look-Up-Table

LED: light emitting diode

LDW: Lane-Departure Warining,

LPCVD: low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition

LNA: Low Noise Amplifier

MCU: Micro controller unit

MIPI: Mobile Industry Processor Interface

MIPS: A RISC-based instruction architecture

MCDF: Multi-Channel Data Shaper

MEMS: Micro-Electro-Mechanical System

MOP: Moving Object Detection

MSB: Most Significant BitThe highest valid bit of a multi-bit data, the corresponding concept is LSBMSI: Medium Scale Integration, medium-sized integrated circuit, logic gates 11 (100 or transistors 101) 1k.

MOSmetal-oxide-semiconductormetal oxide semiconductor

MPW: Multi-Project Wafer

MOSFETmetal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor

NDR: Non-Default Route

NRENon Recuuring Engineering

NFC: Near Field Communication

NoC: Network on Chip

NOR Flash: Faster reads, slower writes

Nand Flash: Slower reads, faster writes

OCP: Open Core Protocol

OSC: Oscillator

OSD: One Screen Display

OPC: Optical and Process Correction

PA: Power Amplifier

PBA: Path-based analyze

PCB: Printed Circuit, The finished boards of printed circuits or printed circuits are called printed circuit boards or printed circuit boards, also known as printed boards

PCM: Phase change memory

PD: Physical design Physical design, generally refers to the layout of the digital backend

PDK: Process Design Kit, A process design kit is a set of documents used within the IC industry to model the manufacturing process of a design tool used to design an integrated circuit.

Perl: Commonly used scripting languages in digital IC design

PLL: Phase Locked Loop

PLCC(Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier)

PIC: Programmable interrupt controller

PV: Physical verification

PAE: process antenna effect

PMIC: Power Management IC

PT: prime time synopsis, Company's static timing analysis tool

Python: Commonly used scripting language, now used a lot in AI, hugely popular

POR: Power On Reset

PECVD: Plasma Enhancement Chemical Vapor Deposition

PSG: Phosphosilicate glass

PVD: Physical Vapor Deposition

Parallel Computing: A type of computation where many operations are carried out simultaneously.  

Priority Encoder: A circuit or algorithm that compresses multiple binary inputs into a smaller number of outputs

PWM: Pulse width modulation

P&R: Automated Place and Route of a circuit using an EDA tool.

Q: Q fixed point number format

QFP(Quad Flat Package)

QFN(Quad Flat No-leadPackage)

RAID: Redundant array of disks

RAM: Random Access Memory

REGRESSION: Regression testing simply means running all the test cases over and over again until there are no errors for a stable period of time.

ROM: Read Only Memory

RTL: Register Transformation Level

RISC: Reduced Instruction System Computer

RF: Radiation Frequency

SBC: Single board computers

SEM: Scanning electron microscope

SPI: Synchronous 4 wire master/slave interface

SoC: System on ChipI.e., system-on-chip, is a chip circuit that integrates the key components of the system on a single chip that can realize the complete system functions.

SPEC: specification

specSI: Signal Integrity

SIP: System In Package

SDR: Software-defined radio

SRAM: Static Random Access Memory

STAStatic Timing Analysis

SV: System Verilog

SPI: Serial Peripheral Interface

SOP: Small Out-Line Package

SOJ: Small Outline J-lend Package

SERDES: Serializer/deserializer

Shift Register: Set of registers that shifts bits one position at a time

SIMD: Single instruction multiple data

SSI: Small Scale Integration

Schmitt Trigger: Comparator circuit with hysteresis

Spice: Open-source analog electronic circuit simulator

TCL: Tool Command Language

TEOS: tetraethyl ortho-silicate

TAB: Tape Automated Bonding

TCP: Tape Carrier Packages

TLB: Translation lookaside buffer

UART: Universal Asynchronous  Receiver/Transmitter
UCDB: Unified coverage  database

UCLI: Unified  Command-Line Interface

UDP: User-defined  primitive

UJT: Unijunction Transistor

ULSI: Ultra Large Scale Integration

UVM: Universal Verification Methodology

V2V: Via to Via

VCO: Voltage Controlled Oscillator

VCS: Verilog Compiled  Simulator

VDMOS: Vertical  Double-diffused MOSFET

VG: Vapour Growth

VGA: Video Graphic Array

VLD: Visible Laser Diode

VLIW: Very long instruction-level parallelism

VLS: Vapour-Liquid-Solid

VLSI: Very large scale integration

VPE: Vapour Phase Epitaxy (or Epitaxial)

VR: Voltage Regulator

VRAMVideo RAM(Random Access Memory)

VSI: Virtual Socket Interface

VTCMOS: Variable Threshold voltage CMOSTechnique for dynamically controlling the effectiveness threshold voltage by applying a substrate voltage to the MOS transistor

WAN: Wide area network

WAT: Wafer Acception Test

WC: worst-case

WCDMA: WideBand Code Division Multiple Access

WDT: Watch Dog Timer 39

WGL: Waveform  Generation Language

WLF: Wave Log File

WLM: Wire Load Model

WNS: Worst negative  slack

WSI: Wafer Scale Integration

XPS: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy

Yield: Yield rate, yield rate

ZD: Zener  Diode

ZIP: Zig-Zag Inline Packages

ZigBee: Short-range wireless communication technology, Protocol of ZigBee


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