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5 Layers Take You Through The Internal Structure Of A Chip : This Is What Professionals Do

  Before we clarify the semiconductor chip, we should first understand two points. One is what a semiconductor is, and the other is what a chip is.   Semiconductor   semiconductor, a material with conductivity between insulator and conductor at room temperature. People usually call materials with poor conductivity, such as coal, artificial crystals, amber, ceramics, etc., insulators. And the conductivity of the better metals such as gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, aluminum, etc. called conductors. Compared with conductors and insulators, the discovery of semiconductor materials is the most recent, until the 1930s, when the material purification technology improved, the semiconductor only received the attention of the industry. Common semiconductor materials include silicon, germanium, gallium arsenide, etc., while silicon is the most influential of the various semiconductor materials in terms of commercial applications.   Chip   A chip, also known as a microchip, integrated circuit, o