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What is basic IC?

If you look at a modern printed circuit board (PCB), you will almost certainly see at least two or three rectangular black packages with silver terminals protruding from the edges. For example   Electrical engineers often refer to these packages as components or devices, and for good reason - they look like components, are purchased as components, and often act as components. But if we interpret the term to mean things like resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes and transistors, engineers will know that they are not actually components. Instead, these black packages are actually circuits.   What is an integrated circuit? A very valuable property of transistors is that they can be very small, which in turn allows us to compress complex functions into a very small physical area. However, a microscopic transistor is not very useful in the macroscopic world: how do we plug it into a breadboard or measure its voltage? How does the assembler place it on the PCB?   The creation of integrate

What is a CPU Transistor?

  A   transistor   is a semiconductor device that switches on and off and amplifies electronic signals. It has at least three terminals that connect it to electronic circuits. The transistor was invented in the early 1950s and quickly replaced vacuum tubes in electronic devices. These devices are now an important part of almost all electronic devices, such as the central processing unit   (CPU)   of computers. A CPU transistor is usually part of an integrated circuit, although it can also be purchased separately.   A central processing unit (CPU). Terminals in CPU transistors have specific names, depending on the type of transistor. The terminals of a simple bipolar transistor are called the collector, emitter, and base. The current or voltage applied to the base affects the flow of current from the collector to the emitter.     The voltage at the base of the transistor can be used to turn on and off the current flowing from the collector to the emitter. This type of transistor is a s

What is the process of designing a chip?

  Chip   Chip, also known as microcircuit, microchip, or integrated circuit (English: integrated circuit, IC). It is a silicon chip containing an integrated circuit, which is very small and often part of a computer or other electronic device.   Chip, English for Chip; chipset for Chipset. chip generally refers to the carrier of the integrated circuit, but also the integrated circuit after design, manufacturing, packaging, testing, usually an independent whole that can be used immediately. The two words "chip" and "integrated circuit" are often used together, for example, in the usual discussion topics, integrated circuit design and chip design is said to mean one thing, chip industry, integrated circuit industry, IC industry, IC industry is often a meaning. In fact, these two terms have a connection and a difference. Integrated circuit entities often have to exist in the form of chips, because the narrow sense of integrated circuit, is to emphasize the circuit itsel

What is the size of chips?

  Chip area size   Chip size is determined by the chip designer and even the entire chip design team to communicate together, the chip is definitely not how big you want to design how big, there are many aspects of the cost and benefits involved, in general, under the same conditions of the architecture, the larger the chip design specifications, the higher the performance, but subject to various conditions, the chip can never be expanded without limit.   For example, a PC chip and cell phone chip design standards are different, the size of an Intel CPU in more than 100 square millimeters is very normal, high-end i7 and to the strong processor to more than 200 square millimeters is also commonplace because the PC is larger, better heat dissipation space, the chip specifications can be made larger to improve performance.   For cell phone chips, a Snapdragon or Kirin processor can only be controlled within a few dozen square millimeters of area, because the space inside the phone inch by