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Showing posts with the label chip

What is the process of designing a chip?

  Chip   Chip, also known as microcircuit, microchip, or integrated circuit (English: integrated circuit, IC). It is a silicon chip containing an integrated circuit, which is very small and often part of a computer or other electronic device.   Chip, English for Chip; chipset for Chipset. chip generally refers to the carrier of the integrated circuit, but also the integrated circuit after design, manufacturing, packaging, testing, usually an independent whole that can be used immediately. The two words "chip" and "integrated circuit" are often used together, for example, in the usual discussion topics, integrated circuit design and chip design is said to mean one thing, chip industry, integrated circuit industry, IC industry, IC industry is often a meaning. In fact, these two terms have a connection and a difference. Integrated circuit entities often have to exist in the form of chips, because the narrow sense of integrated circuit, is to emphasize the circuit itsel

The Secret Guide To Common Chip Peripheral Literacy

  1. UART   UART is called Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter, which is usually used for a communication connection between chips and external devices. When we say serial port in embedded, it usually means UART port. Embedded systems often use the UART port to connect to the COM port of the host PC (or to connect to the USB port of the host after converting the UART to USB) for debugging, so that the printf function in the embedded system can be redirected to print to the display of the host.   The data transmission format of UART is as follows.   During the transmission process, the UART sender sends out the byte data bit by bit in serial, and the receiver receives the data bit by bit and then reorganizes it into byte data. the UART transmission rate is measured by Baud Rate (Baud Rate).   2. I2C   I2C is a simple, bi-directional two-wire synchronous serial bus developed by Philips, which requires only two bus lines: a serial data line SDA and a serial clock line SCL, and sup