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9 effective ways to improve your electronic components specification for approval

1. Let purchasers find manufacturers to provide specifications, safety information, environmental protection information, insurance information - E-document 2. Verify that the information is true and complete, such as the applicable period of the document, so as not to be fooled by the manufacturer. 3. Let the buyer find the manufacturer to provide samples, specifications, safety information, environmental information, insurance information - Paper files 4. Environmental test: send several samples to the environmental laboratory for ROSH halogen test. 5. Electrical specifications and high-temperature testing - e.g. electrolytic capacitors :  A: measuring capacity and deviation withstand voltage, PIN foot tin is good B: go through the production line to see if the capacitors are deformed after the high temperature of the furnace and if the capacity and the deviation voltage are okay. 6. Body size check - e.g. electrolytic capacitors . Body height and diameter, PIN pin spacing, PIN p...

Omg! The Best 278 Pcb Layout Design Specifications Ever!

Why do assembly factories require minimum order quantities and not willing to accept small order?

Many people have encountered the situation of being rejected for small quantities when asking about SMT, and most of the reasons given for the rejection are "small quantities are not cost-effective" and " High  start-up losses". What are the so-called losses? Before SMT processing, you need to do the same preliminary work as when you receive a large order, such as SMT machine programming, PCB positioning, start the first piece of confirmation of this type. In the case of a small amount, the so-called loss, more is the loss of time. Because in the same time, the production efficiency of SMT with large processing volume is higher, so as not to waste time on the preliminary work after a morning or a day of production. And in the machine in and out of the time, so we prefer to receive the kind of area is not very large, but the patch point is very concentrated, so that both high efficiency, but also greatly save a variety of labor costs, machine losses, etc.   To quote ...

Teach you 5 ways to identify and avoid counterfeit electronic components in a second

In the process of purchasing electronic components, the most worrying thing for buyers is not the price, but the quality of the product. There are a variety of IC chips on the market, of all kinds, and without paying attention to the distinction, it is sometimes difficult to see the difference between various materials, whether it is true or false, new or refurbished. The following is a compilation of some methods to identify genuine and fake chips, for your reference. Common chip counterfeiting methods Material A counterfeit material A Original manufacturer's tailor loose material: the original packaging has been disassembled or is no longer available, but product functionality and yield may be lower due to storage time or handling process, etc. Original manufacturer scrap or defective products: mainly products that have not passed factory inspection by the original manufacturer, such as scrap products after reliability testing, poor packaging quality, bad test products, etc. Orig...

Do you know why the CPU chips are square and not round?

As almost everyone who knows anything about hardware will know, the CPU is a square, thick piece of metal, although there are also rectangular versions. The top surface is flat and smooth, while the bottom surface has metal contacts or pins. Although the default shape of a CPU is rectangular, I wonder if you have ever wondered why CPUs are not made round? 1. The CPU we see is not a real CPU Before answering this question, I would like to explain that the small piece of metal we can see with our eyes and feel with our hands is not the CPU but its package, the CPU chip is firmly mounted in the center of the package. It is no coincidence that the CPU chip is also rectangular, so let's talk about why the real CPU chip is in this shape. 2. Let's start with manufacturing Many students may know that the CPU chip is made of sand, I do not know if this knowledge has the credit of the science that Lei wants to sell mobile phone chips at the price of sand in it. The composition of the san...

The biggest problem with the latest 56 semiconductor manufacturers suspend orders, price increased, and long lead time. How can you fix it?

 Following the suspension of MCU orders by ELAN , Holtek Semiconductor issued a notice on 21st April suspending orders with immediate effect. The price of various semiconductors, especially MCUs, has risen as a result of factors such as the tightness of 8-inch wafer foundries. The demand for MCUs is so high that many major MCU manufacturers at home and abroad are operating at full capacity, but supply still exceeds demand. In its notice, Holtek  Semiconductor stated that Suspension of orders for 2022 Subject: Orders with delivery dates in 2022 are suspended with immediate effect.   Description: 1. The wafer fabs and packaging houses have advised that there will be another wave of price increases soon - price increases of 15%-30%. 2. The fabs are expected to provide 2022 production numbers by early May and will announce 2022 order acceptance rules when confirmed.   3. expected to resume accepting orders for 2022 by mid-May. 4. 2022 orders that have received deposits w...