What is the ARM Architecture The ARM architecture, formerly known as AdvancedRISCMachine (earlier: AcornRISCMachine), is a 32-bit Reduced Instruction Set (RISC) processor architecture that is widely used in many embedded system designs. Due to its energy-saving features, the ARM processor is well suited for mobile communications, in line with its primary design goal of low power consumption. ARM processors can be found in many consumer electronics products, from portable devices (PDAs, cell phones, multimedia players, handheld video games, and computers) to computer peripherals (hard drives, desktop routers) and even in military installations such as missile-based computers. It is found in military facilities such as bullet-loaded computers. There are also a number of ARM-based design derivatives, including Marvell's XScale architecture and Texas Instruments' OMAP family of products. ARM Architecture Diagram The following figure shows the ARM architect...
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